
Draft document: Recommendations
Submitted by Lon Ball, Frriends of the white Salmon, Trout Lake First Presbyterian Church
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

ICRP 2006 Dear Sirs; Concerning your proposal and option to increase the allowed low level radiation (rad) allowable dosage, i would like to express my opposition, cpncern and dismay. The pioneering work of Sister Rosalie Bertels, M.D., epidemiologist, of twenty years ago, esstablished the dangers of low level radiation in terms of mathematical probability. Her published studies showed conclusively that any additional exposure in addition to natural background radiation is harmful and carcinogenic. Please do not overlook what has been known and accepted as solid science for decades. Any additional load to an already health threatening natural background radiation is synergetically damaging to the human body. Theradiation limits should be lowered rather than raised. Any raising of allowable low dose radiation should not be considered by rational people, let alone the EPA, NRC and Bush Administration. The Physicians for Social Responsibility aave additional information about the dangers of low level radiation. P{ease heed their warnings concerning low and high levels of irradiation. Thank you for soliciting public input into this nuclear issue such great importance. Paragraph 8.2.311 flies in the face of scientific credibility because the stated purpose of regulation and reregulation cannot be successfully addressed by INCREASING rad dosage potential and allowable human exposure. Truly yours, Lon Ball, President Klickitat Family Farm
